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Please note this question was answered in 2017. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Brachial artery access into Dialysis Fistula

Date: Sep 11, 2017


I'm not sure how to code this fistula study since the brachial artery was used to access the fistula. "Retrograde access of the fistula was performed and imaging completed. Multiple attempts were made to traverse the critical proximal stenosis of the fistula w/o success. Subsequently access of the brachial artery near the antecubital fossa in an antegrade fashion to access the outflow venous fistula from an ante grade direction. A sheath was placed into the brachial artery. After placement of the brachial artery sheath a glidewire was manipulated down the forearm artery across the arterial anastomosis into the fistula. Using Roadmap technique, the proximal stenosis was successfully traversed and ultimately antiplastied." Would the coding be 36120 and 36902?

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