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Please note this question was answered in 2017. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

peripheral dialysis stent from remote access

Date: May 18, 2017


"Arterial limb of graft accessed antegrade towards the venous outflow. Thrombectomy & angioplasty of arterial limb performed. Attention was then turned to the recurrent basilic vein outflow stenosis. A fluency stent delivery device could not be introduced to bare back. Right common femoral vein accessed. Glidewire utilized to select the innominate vein and cross the left basilic vein stenosis retrograde. Exchange length Magic torque wire then placed across the basilic outflow vein stenosis from the common femoral access. 10 x 60 mm fluency endograft on long delivery then advanced across the basilic outflow stenosis and deployed under guidance. The Magic torque wire was pulled back to the innominate vein, allowing advancement of the 8 x 60 mm for in-stent angioplasty. Final angiogram via the sheath demonstrated excellent result with brisk forward flow through the basilic outflow and no residual stenosis or venous injury." Is this 36906 only? Or is the remote access separately reportable?

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