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Please note this question was answered in 2017. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

BM aspirate > stem cells>...PCS Root term?

Date: Mar 20, 2017


CPT was previously addressed. This refers to the PCS codes: Patient had chronic, nonhealing leg ulcer and deemed a stem cell candidate. H&P states: "The only option is stem-cell injection to facilitate neovascularization." Operative report: "Procedure: Bone marrow aspirate with injection and delayed primary closure of left distal leg wound. We accessed the right anterior superior iliac spine with a bone marrow aspirate and aspirated 240 mL of bone marrow from the right iliac bone marrow. We spun this down to stem cells and then implanted the autograft proximal to the wound in healthy tissue to effect late closure or delayed closure, closure by secondary intention. The procedure was staged in two parts. The bone graft was removed and created a bone autograft to seal, fill, and replace lost tissue. This was injected at multiple locations around the wound and proximal to the wound in healthy tissue in order to facilitate neovascularization and facilitate healing of the wound." What is the PCS code for aspiration? For placement, is it Introduction or Supplement?

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