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Please note this question was answered in 2017. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

IR Coding 75710, 75630, 37222, 37225, 37221

Date: Mar 17, 2017


"Right common femoral accessed and threaded into AA. Aortogram was performed with findings documented. Wire was passed into left external iliac, and lower extremity arteriogram was done with findings of stenosis. Rubicon cath was passed over wire into superficial femoral on left side. Repeat arteriogram was done for intervention. I performed thrombectomy of left fem pop segment. After this, atherectomy of fem pop segment was done on left. A drug-eluting balloon was passed over wire, and angioplasty was performed of fem pop segment. Arteriogram confirmed excellent results. Balloon was removed and sheath pulled back to right iliac. Following this, a balloon was brought up on right side into proximal right common iliac, and balloon mounted stent was brought up on the left side. Stent was deployed in proximal left common iliac. This done as right-sided balloon brought up for support." Provider wants to bill 37221, 37225, 37220, 37184, 75710, 75625. Im not sure when to bill 75710 & 75725 with the procedures. Would I bill 36247?

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