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Please note this question was answered in 2015. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Foreign Body Removal - Open

Date: Feb 26, 2015


I’m not sure what to do with this one. Patient came to cath lab to have an angioplasty of his AVF. While ballooning the subclavian and innominate vein, the balloon ruptured. Due to aspiration of blood from the inflation port of the balloon, the surgeon decides to take the patient to the OR for emergent surgery. In the OR he opens the arm, creates a venotomy in the fistula, and removes the balloon. It is noticed that there is some thrombus, so he removes the small amount of clot present and closes the venotomy. I don’t like code 37197 since this is open instead of percutaneous. I was thinking of reporting the exploration with code 35761 (which includes foreign body removal) (or possibly 35860 since there was bleeding) with modifier -XU or -59, as well as the open thrombectomy with code 36831 since they shouldn’t have had to do a thrombectomy as well. My other thought was unlisted code 37799. What are your thoughts?

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