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Please note this question was answered in 2015. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Contralateral SFA with Ipsilateral Iliac Stent

Date: Feb 9, 2015


For the following example, is code 36247 billable for the selection of the right SFA because it was more distal than where the intervention was performed? Also, is it acceptable to bill for the retraction of the catheter into the left CFA with subsequent run-off (36140)?  "Access via left groin, catheter placed into aorta for dx aortogram (75625). Catheter advanced to the right SFA for selective RLE run-off and catheter retracted to ipsilateral left common femoral artery for LLE run-off (75716). Access then warranted on the right side for kissing angioplasty and stenting of the common iliacs (37221-RT & -LT)."

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