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Please note this question was answered in 2015. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Event Recorder in September 2014, and Pacemaker implant in November 2014

Date: Jun 2, 2015


Patient had an implantation of patient-activated cardiac event recorder on Sept. 12, 2014 (33282, 90 day global-period). In November 17, 2014, patient returned to the OR for the removal of the implantable event recorder and permanent dual pacemaker implantation (33208, 90-day global as well). Since the patient is on the 90-day global period I was considering appending a -78 modifier to the pacemaker code (33208). This claim was denied by the insurance carrier already because of the 90-day global period. Is it possible to use a -78 modifier and resubmit this claim or not?

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