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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Diagnositic Angiography and what is the correct code for the selection of the catheter?

Date: Nov 25, 2014


Please provide the correct catheter selection code for this procedure: Left groin prepped & draped & a 4 French sheath placed. Flush catheter introduced in the proximal abdominal aorta. An aortogram revealed normal aortoiliac system. Bilateral patent renal arteries and the SMA well visualized with the catheter selected into the distal right external iliac artery. Right femoral angiography revealed patent common femoral, deep femoral, and superficial femoral artery with the superficial femoral artery selected. The distal superficial femoral artery was widely patent. All 3 tibial vessels were patent with direct runoff into the foot. The catheter was removed.

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