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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Dog Bone Stent in Atrial Septum

Date: Dec 29, 2014


I can't find a code(s) for percutaneous transcatheter stenting of the atrial septum in a three-month old born with discrete coarctation of aorta, small left-sided structures, and pulmonary hypertension.  Here's an example dictation: "TEE probe was placed. ABG was performed and was reassuring. Swan catheter removed from pre-existing 5 French sheath. 5 French sheath in left femoral vein was exchanged for new, sterile 5 French sheath. JR 2.5 catheter was inserted in femoral venous sheath and advanced to the right atrium, and pressures were recorded. Baylis system was set up. Microcatheter followed by RF wire were advanced through JR catheter to tip of catheter. Guidance confirmed catheter in central location on the atrial septum, away from aorta and LA free wall. Wire was advanced and contact with atrial septum. Single application of energy was performed (10W for 2 sec), and bubbles were seen in the left atrium. Wire was advanced into left atrium, followed byt microcatheter and then JR catheter. Wire and microcatheter were removed and left atrium pressure recorded. Terumo Glide wire was placed through JR catheter 7 and advanced into LLPV. Catheter was advanced into PV, and wire was removed. 0.014" AllStar wire was advanced through catheter and catheter removed. Pre-mounted 3.5 mm x 12 mm stent was advanced over wire, and TEE was used to center stent in atrial septum. Stent was expanded under 5 ATM of pressure. Balloon was deflated and removed with wire."

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