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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

33222 and 33228, Zero Edits

Date: Sep 30, 2014


"11 year old male status post pacemaker for sinus node dysfunction, with a recent change to ERI mode. He presents for elective replacement of the generator. In pre-procedure discussion with the surgery team, it seems that the post-rectus device had possibly migrated upwards and centrally. We thus elected to have surgeon scrub in to the procedure to assist in removal of current generator. After removal, leads were tested and found to be stable in function. We thus proceeded to create a new pocket (33222) in the left-sided abdomen under the anterior rectus sheath above the rectus muscle. The existing leads were attached to a new device. Testing confirmed stable thresholds and impedences. The new device was placed in the new pre-rectus pocket (33228) on the left and closed in three layers. The old pocket was also closed in three layers. Patient tolerated procedure well." NCCI edits do not allow codes 33228 and 33222 to be reported together, no modifier allowed. Do you have any suggestions on an appropriate code combination that would allow reporting of pocket relocation?

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