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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Leadless Pacemaker

Date: Nov 4, 2014


What is the recommended CPT code for placement of a leadless pacemaker? "A pigtail catheter was then advanced into the right ventricle and a hand injected RV gram showed normal RV function and the RV apex was nicely visualized. Subsequently with serial dilation over an amplatz super-stiff wire, the 8F sheath was upsized to an 18F delivery sheath.The Leadless pacemaker delivery apparatus was then assembled with appropriate flushes and was then advanced under flouroscopic guidance carefully into the RV. A suitable spot in the mid RV septum was chosen to deliberately avoid the apex, given a very small heart. A contrast injection showed good septal wall apposition on both LAO and RAO projections. The pacemaker helix was then torqued in 1.25 turns. The sheath was then released and a vigorous tug test showed no lead dislodgement."

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