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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Tunneled Peritoneal Catheter Repositioning

Date: Dec 29, 2014


Would you mind telling us how you would code the following? "Initial scout imaging demonstrated a peroneal dialysis catheter coiled within the right lower quadrant. Gentle contrast administration demonstrates patency of the catheter and positioning in the peritoneum. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a 0.035-inch stiff glide wire was advanced to manipulate the catheter. A tip deflecting wire was also used. These were unsuccessful. Then, a 5.5 French Fogarty balloon catheter was advanced into the distal end of the peroneal dialysis catheter, and attempts to reposition the catheter were unsuccessful. The stiff guidewire was used to push the tip of the PD catheter into the right upper quadrant. A 5 mm x 2 cm Mustang balloon was advanced over the wire into the distal end of the PD catheter, and manipulation was attempted. This was followed by the Fogarty balloon. All of the attempts to reposition the PD catheter into the pelvis were unsuccessful."

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