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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Hybrid Revascularization

Date: Sep 11, 2014


Can you help clarify this vascular case? "An open endarterectomy is performed of the iliac and then the superficial femoral. There is residual stenosis, and iliac and popliteal stents are placed. They were unable to clean out the SFA, so the decision is made to do a PTFE fem-pop." If inflow and outflow are included by whatever means necessary, the endarterectomies are dropped, but do I still report codes 37221 and 37226? I have been having more and more hybrid cases and have been charging the stents. But when you read the "all inflow and outflow by whatever procedures necessary", I am questioning the correct coding. I would really appreciate your expertise.

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