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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

RF Neurolysis Sacral, Pulsed vs. Non-Pulsed

Date: Oct 3, 2014


How can we tell if this procedure is performed as a "pulsed" radiofrequency procedure? The term "pulsed" is never used in the report. Report states the target point at the ipsilateral, lateral, inferior border of the sacrum, just lateral to the S4 sacral foramen was identified. "The probe was advanced over the sacral periosteal surface to the level of the sacral such that its active contact points overlapped the exit points of the S1-S4 sensory nerve fibers. RF lesioning performed with pre-programmed protocol at 80 degrees centigrade for 60 seconds per segment and/or contact point (total duration 5 minutes). RF probe was then removed, and hemostasis was promptly obtained using hang compression. Then the L5 primary dorsal ramus RF lesioning was performed. The curved RF needle was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance. RF lesioning was performed at 80 degrees centigrade for 60 seconds. Successful R sacral RF neurolysis at S1, S2, S3, S4, and L5."

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