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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Vasospasm Treatment, Iatrogenic

Date: Sep 18, 2014


The provider performed a diagnostic angiography of the right lower extremity accessed through the ipsilateral CFA and stopping in the SFA (billing 36245-59, 75710-26-59). Then tried to cross the SFA to treat occlusion and was unable to. Closed this access up. Accessed the posterior tibial artery and advanced catheter to the SFA occlusion and did an atherectomy through this access (billing 37225). There was spasm in the posterior tibial artery, and the provider proceeded to balloon angioplasty the posterior tibial artery spasm (provider would like to bill code 37228). Can we bill code 37228 for treating the vasospasm?

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