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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Peripheral Angio Report

Date: Aug 14, 2014


Here are details from a peripheral angio report: "Right radial artery was assessed, and a BMW wire was used to wire vessel due to size, then advanced multipurpose catheter to the abdmonal aorta. That was replaced with a pigtail catheter, and abdominal aortogram with bilateral run-off was done. Finding of that was the artery was fairly normal proximally, ands both renal arteries were patent but not the ostia. Both iliacs were occluded. A large collateral artery was seen on the left side filling the left leg. This filled the SFA right after the femoral artery bifurcation. The SFA on the left was patent. Collaterals to the right leg was less developed. I took multiple pictures at the level of the hip, thigh, and knee to try and see any reconstitution of the patient's native arteries. I thought I saw a small segment of the femoral artery, but no SFA or popliteal artery was seen." May I report codes 75625 and 75716 for this?

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