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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Multiple Pelvic Hemorrhages

Date: Aug 12, 2014


Please advise on the following. "History: Pelvic trauma and bleeding. Multiple pseudoaneurysms and one actively bleeding. The physician goes into the right internal and into anterior division and embolizes pseudoaneurysms. Then goes into the right internal iliac and into the anterior division and embolizes pseudoanerysms. Next, goes into the IMA and shoots angios of the superior hemorrhoidal artery - not bleeding. Goes into the middle sacral artery, which does show the vessel supplying the aneurysm, which was bleeding. It's embolized." Would this be considered all one surgical site and only code one embolization (37242 or 37244)?? Or do we code two different embolizations since one was for hemorrhaging and the other was to exclude non-bleeding aneurysms?

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