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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Selective Catheterization of Subclavian Artery

Date: Aug 13, 2014


When coding the following scenario, we thought this to represent 36216, but we also question 36225. There was selective catheterization of the right subclavian and innominate with dye. Could you please clarify the difference? Operative note excerpt: "We then used a Shuttle sheath and a Vtech introducing cannula and catheterized the innominate artery. A 6 French Shuttle sheath was placed. We obtained a selective innominate angiogram with 10 cc of dye. We cannulated the right subclavian artery and performed a selective catheterization of the subclavian artery. This study revealed a chronic occlusion of the axillary artery. We did attempt to pass a wire through this area, which appeared to be chronically occluded. The catheter and sheath were removed, and a Mynx device was used to close the groin."

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