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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

SPG Blocks

Date: Jun 13, 2014


The reason for the exam is h/a with photophobia. Bilateral petrosal canal studies, right and left trigeminal ganglion injections, right and left sphenopalentine block. The nasal studies were simply "visual" studies, so there are no CPT assignments for that, correct? The left SPG block and the left trigeminal ganglion injection were performed from the same catheter, with manipulation to perform the injections, but no separate catheter access, with the same procedure repeated for the right side (and 64400 is bundled into 77002). Would this be reported with codes 77002-59, 64400-50, and 64505-50? Or would this be reported with only codes 77002 and 64505?

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