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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

G-J Tube via Nasal Approach

Date: Aug 12, 2014


Initial percutaneous placement of G-tube into the jejunum or duodenum is reported with codes 49440 and 49446. Using that same logic, would it be incorrect to report codes 43752 and 43761 for G-tube placement into the duodenum via nasal approach for enteral nutrition? The description of code 44500 in the Coder’s Desk Reference does not seem to describe what was actually done. Example: "Under fluoroscopic guidance, a 10 French nasoduodenal/jejunal feeding tube was advanced using real-time fluoroscopic guidance as well as a 0.035 stiff Terumo Glidewire and positioned in the proximal jejunum."

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