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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Collateral Artery Coding

Date: May 5, 2014


Thank you in advance for your help: Access right femoral artery unsuccessful. Left femoral artery entered percutaneously & sheath placed. Cath inserted into arterial sheath advanced to systemic ventricle with guidewire. Oximetry & blood gas obtained from descending aorta. Pressures obtained from descending & ascending aorta, left ventricle. Thoracic aortogram performed cath removed. Cath inserted into arterial sheath advanced to mid-thoracic aorta. Visualize collateral arteries. Intercostal artery angiogram performed. Transit cath inserted & advanced to lower left collateral artery. Tornado coils injected through transit cath, transit cath removed. Visipaque used to visualize higher collateral artery. Transit cath advanced over glidewire into second intercostal artery, coils injected through transit cath, transit cath & glidewire removed. Cath & guidewire advanced to mid-thoracic aorta. Middle left collateral artery engaged, cath recoiled. Artery reentered, no flow, descending thoracic aortogram performed.

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