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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Snorkel Stent CIA for 2013

Date: May 23, 2014


Can you help with coding for the Snorkel repair in 2013?

"DX: infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. 2. L & R common iliac artery aneurysm 1. Percutaneous endovascular repair of the abdominal aortic aneurysm as well as the common iliac artery aneurysms using the Endologix AFX graft (main graft 22 mm x 120 mm x 16 mm in diameter for both limbs with suprarenal extension measuring 28 mm x 75 mm and a second suprarenal extension placed for proximal endoleak measuring 28 mm x 75 mm. 2. Left limb extension 16 mm x 75 mm and right limb extension 20 mm x 120 mm. 3. Snorkel repair of left hypogastric artery using an 8 mm x 15-mm Gore Viabahn covered stent...The left hypogastric artery was then selectively cannulated using a crossover sheath followed by deployment of an 8-mm x 15-mm Gore Viabahn covered stent in this area and a left-sided limb extension was then placed measuring 16 mm x 75 mm. On the right side, a right-sided limb extension was then done using a 20 mm x 120 mm in length covered stent sealing above the right hypogastric artery. Balloon angioplasty was then perfo..."

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