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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Radial/Ulnar and Brachial Thrombectomy

Date: Mar 14, 2014


Is it appropriate to report codes 34111 and 34101 when two separate incisions are made, but there was only thrombus in the brachial artery? The report states the following: "Brachial artery was opened transversely at the site of catheterization. A thrombus was present. This was thrombectomized with a 4 Fogerty catheter. Several passes were made and an excellent inflow obtained. Fogarty catheter was then passed down distally with further thrombus returned. The transverse arteriotomy was closed, and clamps were removed. At this time, distal dissection was carried along the brachial artery down to the orgin of the radial and ulnar arteries, which were encircled with vessel loops. The brachial vessels were controlled with clamps. A transverse arteriotomy was made in the brachial artery proximal to the takeoff of the forearm vessels. A 3 Fogarty was then passed down the radial and ulnar arteries. No significant further thrombus was removed."

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