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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Lymph Malformation Direct Access Treatment

Date: Mar 14, 2014


Please tell me which codes you recommend for this procedure that was performed in 2013.

"PROCEDURE:Ultrasound and fluoroscopically-guided sclerosis of a venolymphatic malformation in the subcutaneous tissues of the right buttock. CLINICAL HISTORY:  Female with painful subcutaneous venolymphatic malformation in the subcutaneous tissues of the right buttock. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The patient was brought to interventional radiology and positioned prone on the fluoroscopy table. The right buttock was sterilely prepped and draped. Under ultrasound guidance, the venolymphatic malformation was accessed with a 25 gauge needle. Contrast was injected through the needle to verify positioning within the malformation. Approximately 3 mL of Sotradecol foam (four parts 3% Sotradecol, four parts air, one part lipiodol) was injected into the malformation under intermittent fluoroscopic visualization. This was repeated at two additional sites of the malformation. Needles were removed from the patient. Hemostasis was achieved with manual compression."

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