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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Bilateral Aneurysm Repair with an Additional Bypass

Date: Mar 14, 2014


I am working on a case where the patient has a history of an aortobifemoral bypass with graft. In this surgery the patient has bilateral femoral pseudoaneurysms at the aortofemoral groin anastomosis and the femoral anastomosis. The fem-fem graft is taken down, then the physician repairs the right pseudoaneurysm with an interposition graft and states he completes a similar procedure on the left side. After this there is poor blood flow on the left side. The physician then creates a fem-fem bypass one end, which is on the Darcon graft to repair one of the pseudoaneurysms. He also does multiple thrombectomies, as the patient has prothrombin gene mutation. I know the thrombectomy (34201-50) is bundled. And the aneurysm repair (35141-50) seems to bundle with the bypass (35661). Can I code for the aneurysm repair on the side that the bypass doesn’t terminate on, or is it still bundled?

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