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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

93623 and Ablations

Date: Jan 14, 2014


I seem to be getting more confused on when it is appropriate to assign code 93623. I thought code 93623 should only be assigned if done prior an ablation. Per question number 5091, it states that code 93623 may be billed if done prior to the ablation or after. I also have another reference that has the following example: "EP performed, catheters in RA, RV for pacing and recording, etc. SVT is induced; ablation for SVT performed. Isoproterinol is administered to determine efficacy of ablation (93653 and 93623)." So, can code 93623 be reported regardless of when it is given, and can it be coded when only to check for efficacy? Does an arrhythmia need to be induced after the initial ablation? Also, if the isuprel infusion further induced an arrhythmia, does an ablation need to be done in order to report code 93623?

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