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Please note this question was answered in 2014. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Balloon Dilation of Ureter and Insertion of Stent in Same Site

Date: Jan 14, 2014


“Do not code for angioplasty and separate stent in the same site or same vessel in 2014. Angioplasty is bundled in ALL stent placement.”  Is this true for ureteroplasty and insertion of stent in the same site? "Contrast was injected through the previously placed right-sided tube. The tube was removed under fluoroscopy over a coons wire. The catheter and wire were manipulated across the distal ureteral stricture into the neobladder. Intraluminal position was confirmed. Exchange was made for an Amplatz stiff exchange wire. The catheter was removed. Angioplasty of the lesion was performed with  6 mm/4 cm balloon catheter (53899, 74485) and inflated to 15 ATM for 60 seconds. The balloon catheter was removed. A 20 cm/8 French Cook double pigtail ureteral stent was deployed (50393, 74480) from the renal pelvis through the ureter into the neobladder. Impression: Right pyelography confirmed persistent previously documented obstructive distal ureteral stricture. Imaging documents catheterization across the lesion,dilation of the lesion and stenting of the ureter."

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