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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

AVM Embolization via Direct Puncture and Transcath Access

Date: Aug 20, 2013


My question is, can you report codes 37204/75894 and unlisted code 37799 on this particular case since there was a direct puncture embolization and a transcatheter embolization of the same malformation? Or would they be included in one another? Could you advise us on which direction you would take with this one that would be great. "Medical History: Hepatic arteriovenous confirmation Procedure: 1. Right common femoral arteriogram. 2. Celiac arteriogram. 3. Left gastric arteriogram. 4. Hepatic AVM embolization in 2 areas. 5. Starclose. Medications: Per anesthesia. Contrast: 100 cc Visipaque. Fluoro time: 27.2 minutes. Complications: None immediate. Technique: After the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure explained, written informed consent was obtained. The patient's placed in supine position on the angiographic table and time out performed. The right groin and right abdomen were prepped and draped in sterile fashion and skin site anesthetized with Xylocaine 1% without..."

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