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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Dual Chamber ICD Generator Replacement with Lead Insertion

Date: Jul 25, 2013


We are debating over two sets of codes for this situation. The patient presented for a generator replacement of a dual chamber ICD. They discovered the old RV lead was defective, so they capped the old RV lead, inserted a new RV lead and a new dual chamber ICD, and lead and device testing were performed. The department reported code 33241 for removal of pacing ICD generator only, 33249 for insertion/replacement of ICD system with single or dual leads, and 93641 for DFT testing at time of implant. The coding department chose code 33263 for removal and replacement of ICD generator and dual lead system, 33216 for insertion of a single transvenous electrode, and 93641 for DFT testing at time of implant. Which set is correct and why?

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