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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

NSTEMI for Coronary Intervention Definition

Date: Jun 28, 2013


I have a question in reference to Question ID 4429. There the question is posed: "I have a question for you from the webcast on Tuesday regarding the acute MI code. There is much confusion on whether or not a non-STEMI is an acute MI. Are we to assume that a non-STEMI is an acute MI? If so, what clinical indications (documentation) would need to be present?" Your response was: "We have asked the societies that created the code and left out their definition of MI. I know this is an issue with MDs. We will let you know when that definition is published."

Could you tell me if this has been clarified, and if so, what is the definition?

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