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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Filter Removal

Date: Jun 18, 2013


We have multiple opinions flying around on this one, so I wanted to run it by you. Patient has/had DVT of the lower extremities and had a filter placed. She is seen now to have a lower extremity venous ultrasound done prior to removing the filter to check the status of the DVT. On the left it looks to have resolved, but on the right it's undeterminable if it has completely resolved. Would you use the DVT diagnosis (453.41/453.42), a follow-up (V58.81/V58.89), or a pre-op (V72.83) diagnosis code? I'm leaning towards the DVT, but a few do not agree, so I was hoping to get your opinion on it.

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