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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Diagnostic Imaging for Splenorenal Shunt Outflow Venography

Date: May 8, 2013


Would you please guide us through coding this case?  What would be the correct diagnostic code for splenorenal shunt outflow venography? The report is included below:

SPLENORENAL SHUNTOGRAM AND GASTRIC VARIX EMBOLIZATION (BRTO) CLINICAL INDICATION: Portal hypertension with spontaneous splenorenal shunt and large gastric varix. The patient has developed refractory encephalopathy. Right common femoral vein accessed. Selective catheterizations of the left renal vein were performed with a 5 French multipurpose catheter, which was ultimately manipulated into the splenorenal shunt outflow vein (36012), and venography was performed (75887) OR (75810). A 16 mm x 4 cm Atlas balloon catheter was then positioned across the splenorenal outflow into the left renal vein. The balloon was inflated, and contrast was injected. Venography revealed opacification of a gastric varix with a couple of small veins extending toward the gastroesophageal junction. The splenorenal shunt was occluded with the inflated balloon.with the balloon inflated, embolization was performed with foam (37204, 75894). A total of approximately 25 mL of foam was delivered until complete opacification and stasis in the gastric varix was noted at fluoroscopy.The inflated balloon and introducer sheaths were then fixed in the right groin, and a sterile dressing was applied. The patient was transferred to the PACU in satisfactory condition with no complication. FINDINGS: Balloon occluded shuntogram reveals opacification of the large gastric varix projecting over the medial aspect of the gastric body. No collateral flow into the IVC nor portal vein is appreciated. IMPRESSION: 1. Large gastric varix emptying into a spontaneous splenorenal shunt to the left renal vein. 2. Successful gastric varix embolization 3. Followup venogram will be performed in 4-6 hours. Following routine sterile preparation and local infiltration with 1% lidocaine around the indwelling 9 French right transfemoral venous sheath, injection of the occluded balloon in the splenorenal shunt demonstrate stasis alongside the gastric varix cast (75898).The balloon catheter was then slowly deflated and withdrawn, with no evidence of washout from the gastric varix. The left renal vein remains patent with brisk antegrade emptying into the inferior vena cava. IMPRESSION: Successful occlusion of gastric varix and spontaneous splenorenal shunt following BRTO.

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