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Please note this question was answered in 2013. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Coronary AngioJet Thrombectomy without Primary Coronary Intervention

Date: Apr 30, 2013


A left heart catheterization was performed with an LV-gram. There was a 99% thrombus burden found in the right coronary. A temporary pacemaker was placed, and AngioJet thrombectomy was performed in the right coronary with multiple runs. Bolus injections of Integrillin were given. One more AngioJet run was done, and the patient had a VT arrest and needed to be shocked. Post procedure films showed the 99% thrombus burden was reduced to about 85%, but there was TIMI 2.5 flow and a satisfactory result considering the thrombus burden. Via a 1.5 x 20 Clearway, 2.5 verapamil and 200 mcg of Nipride were given. Since code 92973 is an add-on code to a primary coronary intervention procedure, what can be billed?

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