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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Oct 26, 2012


Dear Dr.Z, Could you please help me with following coding question. Diagnostic Cath: LHC/Coronaries/Vein grafts with no LV gram. For this I am coding as 93459. Procedure Summary: 1) Normal functioning bileaflet mechanical aortic valve. 2) LM: 40% proximal stenosis. 3) LAD: 100% stenosis 4) LCX: no instent restenosis. 5) RCA: 100% mid segment. 6) Patent LIMA to LAD with diffuse distal disease. I am clear about above all except mechanical aortic valve. Q) what is the CPT code for Bileaflet Mechanical Aortic Valve Functioning, along with 93459.? Thank you very much
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