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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

G0278 for iliac imaging during heart cath

Date: Oct 5, 2012


Please do NOT include any actual patient medical records with your question. My physician have started doing abdominal arteriogram (75625) on patients who come in for LHC and RHC for possible TVAR procedures.Here is the preop diag. and the finding below. preoperative diag: The pt has moderate to severe aortic stenosis by suface echo and present for evaluation of his coronary arteries and aortic valve for consideration of possible percutaneous aortic valve replacement vs tranditional repair. Findings: Abdominal Aortography: The patient was found to have calcified iliac vessels..diameter 1.6cm lt and rt iliac. My question is should I code G0278 or 75625 or can you code for this procedure when there is only a possible of a TVAR?
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