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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Follow-up angiography following cerebral aneurysm embolization

Date: Sep 7, 2012


Please do NOT include any actual patient medical records with your question. DR Z I have a general question about Follow-Up (75898 ) charges. We coiled a cerebral aneurysm. Nine coils were placed into the aneurysm but only the last 2 were deployed.The other seven were removed because the DR did not like their placement. After each placement a follow-up angio was performed. Do you charge 9 follow-up's or only 2 for the 2 coils that were leftin for the embolization? I say you only charge Follow-up for the coils that actually embolized not the ones that were removed. TY
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