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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Clarification of ZHealth Newsletter on imaging subclavian anastomosis

Date: Aug 27, 2012


Can you please clarify why code 36200 is reported for the following from your July 17, 2012 newsletter. I need help with the anatomy as it seems that access to the axillofemoral graft to the subclavian wouldn't involve the aorta? Thank you very much! Coding Question "The physician cannulated the axillofemoral graft at the level of the umbilicus. The catheter was advanced to the subclavian artery where an arteriogram was performed. Following this, runoff angiography was performed at the subclavian anastomosis. The runoff showed the fem-fem anastomosis, the SFA, CFA, PFA, and popliteal artery to be open and that there is two-vessel runoff in both calves.  How would we code this?"
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