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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Difference between codes 34201 and 35371 or 35372

Date: Jun 4, 2012


I am wondering how this should be coded....we have had many a discussion on the difference between the two codes of 34201 and 35371 or 35372. We were hoping you would be able to clarify the difference. The procedure is as follows: 7 cm incision was made just below the inguinal ligament...dissection was carried distally to the deep and superficial branches of the common femoral artery. A puncture site was noted with clot coming out of it...arteriotomy made through arterial puncture site..clot was removed. Fogarty catheters were more clot was retrieved. The arteriotomy was closed with a Hemashield patch in both directions with 6-0 Prolene suture allowing backbleeding and forward bleeding before tying the last stitch.
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