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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Replacement of generator and RV lead with repair of atrial lead

Date: Jun 1, 2012


Dr. Z, The patient came in for replacement of an AICD generator (dual chamber) due to battery reaching end-of-life and replacement of the RV lead due to there being an increased risk of fractures. During the procedure, it was noted that the atrial lead had an insulation break which was also repaired. With the new Pacemaker/AICD codes, is the advice given on July 13, 2011 still correct - 33249/33241/33220-52 - since the lead repaired was not the same lead that was replaced? Also, wouldn't the 33249 need a 59 modifier based on the NCCI edit that states it is mutually exclusive with procedure 33220? Thanks for your assistance.
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