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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Nitrous oxide administration with repeat cardiac catheterization

Date: Jul 24, 2012


Hi Drs. Z & Dunn, I am coding a cath in which the patient has "tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia with continuous PAs. She is status post tetralogy of Fallot repair which included an RV-to-PA conduit and branchpulmonary artery. At the time of operation, her VSD remained open due to concern for small pulmonary artery caliber. Patient's more recent history is significant for respiratory insufficiency which progressed to full respiratory failure requiring intubation earlier this morning. She presents today for diagnostic cardiac catheterization." Patient had a right & left heart cath while on 30% Fi02. Then the Fi02 was increased to 100% and right & left cath was repeated. I realize there was no pharmacologic agent administration, but oximetries and hemodynamic measurements were done under two separate conditions. So I am asking if 93463 would be appropriate to bill in this scenario? Thanks so much for your help!!
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