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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Securing a port

Date: May 11, 2012


What do you believe is the correct code for the following report? Fluoro was not used. Following informed consent and sterile preparation, an incision was made over the right chest port. There was considerable scarring encountered which was negotiated with blunt and sharp dissection. Eventually, the port was identified and was not flipped; it was, however, quite mobile. Sutures were placed in the port to secure it. The port was accessed and flushed and aspirated easily. The incision and pocket were generously irrigated with antimicrobial solution. The incision was closed with resorbable suture. It was noted that the port was deep to at least 1.5 inches of scar tissue and could not be relocated more superficially. It will require an extra long Hubner needle to access the port, of at least 2 inches. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
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