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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

36215 36147 36148

Date: May 7, 2012


Dr. Z, Appealing to you for clarification. 2012 guidelines allow for 36215 to be billed in conjunction with 36147 when catheter is advanced beyond the AA for suspected inflow problem separate from graft. If the initial cannulation of AVF/AVG (36147) does not result in arterial catheterization, but the second cannulation (36148) DOES, do the selective cath rules apply and 36215 supercedes 36148, or can 36148 and 36215 be billed in conjunction? I don't feel that they can but want to clarify. Thanks for all your assistance! If Dr Z has groupies I would be in the front of the pack!!
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