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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Documentation of induction of arrhythmia and mapping

Date: Jun 12, 2012


Hello Dr. Z- We're having difficulty coding EPS Studies and Ablations. Specifically we're having trouble determining if an induction of arrhythmia was performed and if the mapping that was done was 3D or not. We're being told that these things are being done but we don't see them in the documentation. If you would look at the following procedure note & tell us how it should be coded we would be very grateful! Procedure: The patient was brought to the lab in the fasting state, catheters advanced to the high right atrium and into the HIS bundle region and the RV apex. A catheter was left in the HIS region. There was a CS catheter advanced to the coronary sinus, his revealed proximal to distal atrial flutter. A mapping catheter was placed into the right atrium. He had a patent foramen ovale and the left atrium was mapped as well briefly. Catheter was pulled back quickly to the right atrium. The right atrium was mapped as well. He had a head meets tall counter-clockwise flutter which was typical flutter, energy applications along the cavotricuspid isthmus terminated flutter back to sinus rhythm. He had unidirectional block post procedure. He was in sinus bradycardia at the end of the case. He tolerated it well. There were no adverse complications.
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