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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

33225, 33224, 33264

Date: Apr 11, 2012


Dear Dr Z, Thank you for all of the help you have given us in the past! We are having difficulty reaching a consensus for this particular situation and would appreciate your guidance. The procedure preformed is stated below: PROCEDURE PERFORMED 1 Removal of the old ICD 2 Positioning of left ventricular pacing lead in the coronary sinus 3 Replacement with new ICD generator Several of us think it should be coded 33241, 33225, & 33230 based on the part of the code description that says "insertion of pacing electrode...with attachment to previoulsy placed generator". Others believe it should be 33224 based on the part of the code description that says "including revision of the pocket, removal, insertion, and/or replacement ofexistion generator" Thank you in advance for your help. Debra Patterson, RHIT
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