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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Apr 10, 2012


I am having difficulty coding a case for a left and right common femoral vein angiogram. The op states the groin was prepped and draped. Using 1% lidocain and micropuncture needle, access was obtained in the right common femoral vein, however the wire could not be advanced and therefore contrast was injected. This showed complete occlusion of the right femoral vein with collaterals across the abdominal wall. Access was obtained on the left. A 4 French micropuncture needled was used to access the vein, however the wire could not be advanced and therefore contrast was injected. This showed left femoral vein to occluded as well with collateral. The suggested codes was 75716 and 36140. I don't agree with codes selection, but unable to come up with anything else. Thanks in advance for your help.
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