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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Definition of subselective angiogram versus superselective

Date: Jan 11, 2012


Hello, If you can please explain for me what Subselective angiogram actually means. Does subselective mean higher than first order? In the example provided below do I have enough documentation to support anything higher than a first order? Codes 36245 or 36247, 75726 and 75774 Thank you in advance for all your help and feedback.. Here is an example: The catheter was again used to gain access into the IMA and an angiogram revealed the vasospasm had been relieved. The microcatheter was again placed and a GT 018 wire was now used. Several other bouts of vasospasm slow progress however subselective angiogram of all the LEFT upper quadrant arterioles revealed no active extravasation.
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