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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Injection of pain pump catheter with intrathecal imaging

Date: Jan 23, 2012


Dr. Z, In reference to an earlier coding question that you answered on July 6, 2011 we have a similiar coding question but need clarification if we should also use the CPT code 61070 and 77003. Our exam reads: (possible baclofen pump malfunction) The catheter access of the pump was punctured with a 24 G needle and aspiration retrieved 3 cc of clear fluid. Under flouroscopic control a total of 5 cc of contrast was injected into the pump catheter. Intrathecal subarachnoid spread of contrast was noted at the tip of the catheter in the thoracic spine. Spot films to document the course of the pump catheter were taken and there was no evidence of rupture. IMP: baclofen pump catheter contrast study and myelogram w/o complications. Aspiration of CSF was successful. They have been previously coded as myleograms?? Thanks
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