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Please note this question was answered in 2012. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

EP and echocardiogram

Date: Feb 6, 2012


Dr Z I would really appreciate your assistance in the EP case below. The intended procedure was EP ABL w/ 3D mapping for A-fib. However all that was done was 93662 intracardiac echocardiogram which is an add on code with 93651 which did not take place. I have searched your database extensively and the only example I can come up with is for a PFO in which you suggested to use a 74 modifier for the intended procedure along with the add on code. Based on this would I charge 93651-74 and 93662. Or charge for possibly TEE 93318 as a completed procedure? Thank you for your expertise, Terri DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the electrophysiological laboratory in a fasting state. The patient's oropharynx was anesthetized using aerosolized lidocaine spray. Once sedation was achieved, I manually advanced the echo probe passed the oropharynx into the lower esophagus. Limited echocardiographic images were obtained in multiple views. FINDINGS: Left ventricle size is grossly normal. There appears to be left ventricular hypertrophy. Global left ventricular systolic function is normal. Ejection fraction is visually estimated to be 60-65%. There are no regional wall motion abnormalities. Right ventricular size and systolic function within normal limits. The mitral valve is morphologically normal. The tricuspid valve is grossly normal. The left and right atria both appeared mildly dilated, both measuring approximately 4.5 cm. The intraatrial septum is intact to 2-D imaging. There is a mass in the tip of the left atrial appendage thrombus highly suggestive of thrombus. Doppler velocities in the left atrial appendage are less than 0.4 meters per second. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Normal left ventricular size and systolic function. 2. Biatrial enlargement. 3. Left atrial appendage thrombus. PLAN: Based on this study, we will defer on left atrial ablation. His anticoagulation will be restarted and we can consider restoring sinus rhythm in approximately 1 month.
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