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Please note this question was answered in 2011. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Placement of infusion wire beyond location of LE revascularization

Date: Nov 14, 2011


Patient was brought to IR suite with an ishemic foot. A pelvic angiogram was performed and the catheter was advanced to the right external iliac and a lower extremity angiogram was performed. The catheter was advanced into the fem-pop graft an angiogram was performed showing thrombosis. Catheter advanced to the above knee jump graft to below knee angiogram showed a 90% stenosis. Angioplasty was performed at the jump graft anastomosis. Next an infusion catheter was placed in the fem-pop graft and an infusion wire was then advanced through the infusion catheter to the peroneal artery. Overnight thrombolysis was performed. I know catheter placements are bundled into angioplasty codes. Can we code 36247 for placing the infusion wire in the peroneal artery since it is past the location of the angioplasty?
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