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Please note this question was answered in 2011. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Sep 9, 2011


Please do NOT include any actual patient medical records with your question. We utilize a coding company to help with our coding. For procedure: Removal infected PTFE femorofemoral bypass; Caraderic vein patch angioplasty of right femoral artery; Redo right to left femorofemoral (common femoral to common femoral) bypass (subfascial) with cadaveric deep femoropopliteal vein; Thrombectomy of right superficial femoral artery, popliteal and tibial vessels The coding company responded with 35558, 34201, 34203, 35903. I had previously learned that cadaver vein was coded with 35661 and not considered as a vein bypass graft. Is this still correct? Also, isn't 34201 part of establishing inflow/outflow and not billable? Thanks for your help.

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